Daniel Kwik

3 types of work - creating, cultivating, completing

One way to categorize work is into 3 stages of a lifecycle:

  1. Work that 'creates'
  2. Work that 'cultivates'
  3. Work that 'completes'

Work that 'creates'

The act of taking something from 0 to 1. This is the task of making something that didn't exist before, exist. It could be an organization, product, art piece, service. Whatever the outcome is, this type of work involves the act of invention, or discovering something unique.

Work that 'cultivates'

The act of taking something from 1 to n-1. This involves developing something that already exists. This type of work might involve scaling, nurturing, or iterating on something in order to extend its work or influence in the world.

Work that 'completes'

The act of taking something from n-1 to n. This involves helping to sunset something in its final stages. This type of work might involve finalization, ensuring the smooth closure of something, or ushering a sense of completion.

Different people are more suited to different types of work

This is a generalization, but I think that these 3 types of work require different skillsets. 'Creating' work requires innovation and curiosity. 'Cultivating' requires building systems and structure. 'Completing' requires attention to detail, and meticulousness.

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3 types of work - creating, cultivating, completing